Saturday, September 26, 2009

ECSD Teacher arrested???

I opened up the Journal today...Mrs. Boodoo arrested??? NO WAY!!! She grabbed and bruised a student in her care??? NO WAY!!! This is what I know about Mrs. Boodoo, she's an great teacher and an even greater person...these things matter when someone is ACCUSED of abuse. Yes, she does things her way, but she gets results. Mrs. Boodoo is not the most popular teacher, but I believe she's one of the best. She's creative and at the same time strict in her approach...she's invested in YOUR CHILD'S EDUCATION. I can truly say Mrs. Boodoo really cares about what she does. The question then becomes, "Could this situation have been handled BETTER with just a bit more communication between all partys. ALL SIDES... the Student's Mother,The School District, and Mrs. Boodoo . I really hope the reputation of a Great Teacher is not destroyed by a lack of communication.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Health Care and Race Baiting.

I know in the last couple of weeks folks have been talking about Health Care. Recently, Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel spoke at a Health Care forum in Washington Heights. He said "Why do we have to wait for the right to vote? Why can't we get what God has given us? That is the right to live as human beings and not negotiate with White Southerners and not count the votes. Just do the right thing." Is having "Universal Health Care" the equivalent to having a "Universal Right-to-vote"? And even if we continue with this premise...why would Rangel pull out "THE RACE CARD" ...especially in this conversation? The real issue is this, in these hard economic times, we still have wasteful spending. We can't AFFORD to have this conversation, until we address our wasteful spending.

In Review, Wawarsing Town Council Candidates: Johnson vs. Bradley

With The "Conservative" Party out of commission for this year (since joining Team Democrat), those few Conservatives that still believe biblical morality and fiscal responsibility is paramount, are forced to make a choice...Democrat or Republican. Looking through The Journal, reading the statements of Johnson and Bradley...the choice became crystal clear. First words of Johnson, "My Family...". First words of Bradley, "They say...". The Question..."What are your Motivations?" One up for the Republicans. Wawarsing, "What do you think?".